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Dreams of the Heart

Vision's of the Spirit

Hope for The Kingdom

A Home of my own

My Savior extends His hand

And then I understand...

I am His and He is mine

Into His Heavenly Realms...

Into Eternity I ascend...

A Home I call my own

A reflection of my Father's Heart...

These Heavenly Realms.

Back to the Heavenly Realms

Who Am I?

My name is Asher, it is Hebrew for
"Happy Blessing"

I am a Messianic Jew whom loves Jesus (Yeshua) and Cats very much. (I will be your Cat-boy, won't you be my Cat-girl?;) and as you see I also love writing Poetry, I also have many storys but they are two numerous and epic to actually complete *grin*.

I single and looking, currently chillin in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii serveing my four year enlistment in the Navy, my family (parents) come first in my life till that Mate comes along then she can be a close 2nd (kidding;) with God interwoven and Sovereign in everything (relationship's grounded in God and not in faliable humans will endure) and I am a struggling Virgin whom has fought tooth and nail waiting for that future Wife, LORD help me.-_-

"Though I have not seen your face, I will wait for you.
Thought I have not felt your embrace, I will wait for you.

-Me ^_^

Why the Heavenly Realms?

In being "Creative" people imitate the Divine, so this imitation realm was made to house my and in the future other's Creative works to be shared and hopefully inspire others to be Creative to the Glory of God the Father. ^_^

Needless to say, if you wish to know more, know me. I Love to make new friend's, I value and charish all people, if you wish to talk or need a prayer, or just curious, all are free to E-mail me.